Saturday, June 03, 2006

FW: Libby Paul Update

Here is a note from Mark Davis who was with the Paul’s tonight.  Mark was in the area on business and took time out prior to coming home to stop by and see Troy and Dorsey.  Special thanks to you and the Van der Ark’s who took time out also to comfort the Paul’s.


We are apart of a special community.  Have a good night and continue to stand in the gap for the Paul’s





From: Mark Davis []
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:28 PM
To: 'Tony Felich'; 'Nathan Currey'
Cc: 'Paul Schmidt'; 'Amy Schmidt';
Subject: Libby Paul Update


I sat with the Pauls for a few hours this evening, and during that time some test results were delivered. Libby is serious but stable. Her TC scan showed reduced swelling around the brain, which is contrary to expectations. Her skull fracture is temple to temple along the hairline, which actually permits the skull to expand slightly and relieve the swelling. As a result, she didn’t require any surgery to relieve pressure on her brain. Praise God for that.


The MRI that was to have been performed last night was performed today. In this case, the point of the MRI is to assess soft tissue damage along the spinal column. There are no bone fragments in the spinal column, and the spinal column appears undamaged. Her neck is fine. There is inflammation around the 10th vertebra. Her back has at least one fractured vertebra, the 10th, but the fracture is minor enough that a back brace is still being debated. She shows no signs at all of paralysis. Praise God for that.


Libby’s hemoglobin dropped during the course of her hospitalization, which caused some concern. Reduced hemoglobin can be a sign of internal bleeding, but the CT and MRI show no new bleeding. There hasn’t been any new bleeding in the cranium, and bleeding from a ruptured organ in her abdomen stopped shortly after she was admitted. Therefore, the apparent causes of the hemoglobin drop are dilution from administered fluids, frequent blood tests, and “wastings” at IV changes. Praise God for that.


The doctors are keeping Libby in a drug-induced sleep, which affects her ability to breathe on her own. She’s on a ventilator, but only because the medications used to keep her still enough to heal also impair her ability to breath. The medications will be lifted, at least temporarily, on Monday to assess her condition, and her doctors will begin to plan a timeline to send her back to KC. Praise God for that.


The Pauls are in good spirits. They appreciate the loving attention they’ve received from the body of Christ in Kansas. They’re checked into the Ronald McDonald house for an extended stay. It’s right across the street from the hospital, and much cheaper than a hotel. News from tests has been good of late, and the demeanor of the attending nurses has changed radically from stoic in the first 12 hours to elated in the last 24. Although Libby’s still not out of the woods, her trend is positive, and the prognosis is immediately good. The extent of her brain injury is still the big question. Although it’s too early to say so definitively, some of the nurses are confident that Libby will start Kindergarten in the fall. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.


His Servant and Yours,


RE: Libby Paul --Day 3, Part 2



From: Paul Schmidt []
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: Libby Paul --Day 3, Part 2



This email came from our friends the Shiner’s @ 8:45 pm tonight. It gives an update on Libby status as well as providing some good news.  Read On

Hello, Paul Prayer Partners,

Just talked to Troy and Dors, and while we were talking to them, Libby was trying to open her eyes!! So they had to go quickly!  She is really trying to wake up, but the doctors are keeping her asleep until Monday so the healing can progress.

It's 8 p.m. here in KC and just wanted to update you on the MRI today.  They heavily sedated Libby for the procedure, but Dors said Troy had to hold her down still.  A third-year resident gave the MRI, so could not interpret the results like Troy and Dors had hoped.  The doctor who can will be back tomorrow, Troy said, so they'll hear more then.  BUT, they did find out that there is no spinal cord injury.  No fragments are floating around in the spinal column, so that's great news! They did confirm a break of vertebra T-10 and a possible break in T-8 and T-9.  The MRI is really to check out soft tissue rather than bones.

Libby thrashes around quite a bit from time to time, and you can tell sometimes she's trying to talk or trying to open her eyes.  The night nurse they really liked is on night 3 tonight of her shift (they work in 3 night shifts with the next 4 off).  She is encouraging the Pauls to spend the night at the Ronald McDonald house tonight to catch up on their sleep a bit, although Dors is hesitant to in case Libby wakes up for some reason.  (The hospital DID get them a room at the area Ronald McDonald house, which is great.  They have their stuff moved there.) Dorsey's family all flew home this afternoon.  Troy said the RM house is right across the street, which is a great convenience.  It's complete with sleep number beds, a big, full kitchen, laundry, computers and cable, a grill!, laundry facilities, and meals delivered ~ WOW!!  So they're in really good spirits and send their love to everyone.  They continue to be so grateful for the amazing outpouring of love from each one of you through prayer, calls, cards, and gifts.

We mistakenly sent the wrong email link to the hospital earlier, so here's the right one to send cards, etc.:



Libby has a CT scan tomorrow between 4-5 (which is 3-4:00 our time).  Troy said it was huge, so they need prayer.  They'll get more answers from that tomorrow regarding broken bones.

Monday morning is still the big moment when they'll attempt to remove all the tubes, where they'll have Libby breathe on her own, and when they'll try to wake her up to see her reflexes and responses.  Based on the hospitals subsequent tests they will have a much better understanding of what they are up against and the overall road to recovery.  Please pray that this process would not be overly stressful for Libby and that all will go smoothly.  It's hard to believe it's only been 3 days!

Another quick technical note.  When you are sending text messages to Troy's phone, make sure you sign/end the message with your name.  His phone for some reason is not showing the sender and he is having a hard time figuring out where some of the messages are coming from.  Thanks.

Way to go, team!  Let's keep pulling together!  Thanks for forwarding this on to your loved ones in support of the Paul family.

Attached are two pictures of our precious Libby, the object of all our thoughts and prayers.  One is a little old of her playing in their swimming pool and really shows her personality.  The other one is from today at the hospital.  We will get updated photo's, etc. out as they become available.

   "From Heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on earth--He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do...the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death...We wait in hope for the LORD; HE is our help and our shield.  In His our hearts rejoice, for we trust in HIs holy name.  May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in You."           ~Psalm 33:13-15, 18-22


Joy Shiner

Day 3 Libby Update


I talked with Dorsey last night, and have an update as of this morning too.


Libby is still stable and awaiting the MRI. Last night, she was ready for the MRI, but the machine broke.

She is still sedated and asleep, which is really hard for Dorsey and Troy, but right now, she can heal better if she’s asleep. The doctors will probably wait until Monday to wake her.


Dorsey said that the respiratory therapist is a dynamite Christian who keeps affirming that Libby will be completely healed. Dorsey and the night nurse took great care in washing Libby’s face, rubbing lotion on her feet, etc. This level of care from the nurse really touched Dorsey.


Libby’s hemoglobin was dropping somewhat, starting from about 9 to 7 to 6.3. Her blood is being transfused. This is typically from internal bleeding, but it is not from her brain. They don’t know where the bleeding is coming from – just the trauma or other things. Dorsey said she would heal quicker if this level comes up.


She also mentioned that Libby would likely be in a back brace for up to 6 months.


Mitchell and Duncan are flying back to K.C. with Troy’s extended family. Mitchell got to see Libby this morning. He held her hand and said “It looks like she’s dead, but she’s not, right mom?”


I will let you know how we can all help with the boys. Our friend Joy Shiner is going to be in touch with the family and figuring out how to best help them. For right now, just keep praying.


The hospitals website is

You can also send cards, etc. to

Troy & Dorsey Paul

C/o Backus Children’s Hospital Memorial Health University Medical Center

4700 Waters Avenue
Savannah, GA 31404


Some of you did not receive yesterdays e-mail, and some of you got them twice. I am so sorry for this. Mark and Paul tried to figure out the best way for me to access the Westminster e-mail list, an we had a few glitches, but  Paul figured it out today. Thanks for your patience.


This is an amazing body of Christ! To God be the Glory!



P.S.  If you don’t receive one of Amy’s email updates on Libby and the Paul Family, Amy’s emails will posted on this blog site


Libby Paul_Westminster Update

From: Amy Schmidt [] Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 12:21 PMTo: ''Subject: Day 2 Libby update

Here is an update of what we know so far:

Libby is still stable. She woke a little this morning and was wiggling around, which is a good sign. They are keeping her immobilized and sedated.
She will be having a CAT scan and MRI at 2:00 today, and we are hoping for no change in swelling, bleeding etc.

Keep praying for her full recovery, for peace for Dorsey and Troy, for God to send His strong protective arms around them and their family.

Ours is a God worthy of our faith, belief and trust.

I want to share a story with you. It has been difficult going on with daily tasks, knowing this beloved family is in crisis. Things like laundry and dishes are so insignificant right now compared to what they are going through. After much prayer, I struggled to take care of some tasks. I had one lady I had to call about details surrounding my mother’s birthday party. I had call waiting come through concerning Dorsey so I got off the phone quickly. When I called her back, I wanted to explain the urgency. I didn’t even know if this lady was a believer, but I shared the story and asked her to pray. She said “I don’t believe this, but I JUST received an e-mail about that little girl this morning. I will definitely pray!” What a blessing!

After Jesus was crucified, buried and risen, he appeared to his disciples in this way:

“Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael from Cana in Gallilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. ‘I’m going out to fish,’ Simon Peter told them, and they said ‘we’ll go with you.’ So they went out and got into the boat, but that night, they caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize it was Jesus.

He called out to them, ‘Friends, haven’t you caught any fish?’ ‘No,’ they answered. He said ‘Throw down your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

Then the disciple whom loved Jesus said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’” John 21:2-7.

Amidst uncertain times for these men, they went on with their fishing tasks, and they were blessed. I hope you can find comfort in this. We can pray on the way. Then we too can cry out “It is the Lord!”

Amy Schmidt

Libby Paul_Prayer Request

Sorry if you received this twice. An Additional prayer request...that Dorsey and Troy get in to the Ronald McDonald House. Right now it is full and they have to wait until other guests leave before there will be a space for them. They have a high priority due to how far they are from home and the extent of Libby's injuries. Also, as of yesterday, Mitchell and Duncan are to be flying home today with Troy's parents and hopefully Dorsey's mom, if she can get on the plane. Dorsey asked that if families are doing something, like going to a movie, Chuckecheese, the zoo, etc....that maybe an invitation could be extended to the boys. THanks, Maria Ianni