Saturday, June 03, 2006

Libby Paul_Westminster Update

From: Amy Schmidt [] Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 12:21 PMTo: ''Subject: Day 2 Libby update

Here is an update of what we know so far:

Libby is still stable. She woke a little this morning and was wiggling around, which is a good sign. They are keeping her immobilized and sedated.
She will be having a CAT scan and MRI at 2:00 today, and we are hoping for no change in swelling, bleeding etc.

Keep praying for her full recovery, for peace for Dorsey and Troy, for God to send His strong protective arms around them and their family.

Ours is a God worthy of our faith, belief and trust.

I want to share a story with you. It has been difficult going on with daily tasks, knowing this beloved family is in crisis. Things like laundry and dishes are so insignificant right now compared to what they are going through. After much prayer, I struggled to take care of some tasks. I had one lady I had to call about details surrounding my mother’s birthday party. I had call waiting come through concerning Dorsey so I got off the phone quickly. When I called her back, I wanted to explain the urgency. I didn’t even know if this lady was a believer, but I shared the story and asked her to pray. She said “I don’t believe this, but I JUST received an e-mail about that little girl this morning. I will definitely pray!” What a blessing!

After Jesus was crucified, buried and risen, he appeared to his disciples in this way:

“Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael from Cana in Gallilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. ‘I’m going out to fish,’ Simon Peter told them, and they said ‘we’ll go with you.’ So they went out and got into the boat, but that night, they caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize it was Jesus.

He called out to them, ‘Friends, haven’t you caught any fish?’ ‘No,’ they answered. He said ‘Throw down your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

Then the disciple whom loved Jesus said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’” John 21:2-7.

Amidst uncertain times for these men, they went on with their fishing tasks, and they were blessed. I hope you can find comfort in this. We can pray on the way. Then we too can cry out “It is the Lord!”

Amy Schmidt

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