Saturday, June 10, 2006

FW: Restaurants in the CMH Area




As mentioned in the previous email about providing restaurant gift certificates for the Paul’s.  Here are few sources for restaurants that are near CMH. 


Crown Center

Jack Stack




City Scene



Smokin’ Joes BBQ




Planet Sub



Mr. Goodscents



Plese send the to CMH in care of Troy & Dorsey.


Paul Schmidt

M: 913.269.8333

H: 913.3908.8255

E: or        



FW: Libby Paul Update Day 10

Dear Paul Prayer Partners,

Ten days on this journey together, and here we are:

Today is Saturday, and Dru was able to go up to the hospital awhile.  Libby is extremely agitated today, waking up every 30 seconds or so, like she's waking up from a bad dream.  Her arms are flailing, she's crying, rolling around in the bed, etc.  Basically someone has to hold her most of the time.  They've put a net-type structure over her bed now since she's pulling up so much, so that she won't fall out.  She's also got a sore on her left hip because the brace is rubbing into her side, which is getting worse and worse because of all her moving around.

Troy and Dorsey are very tired today, and realizing this will be a long haul with some long days.  The plan for the rest of the weekend is for her just to try and rest and continue to heal.  Therapy won't start until Monday and this is making for some long days and nights.

We've been brainstorming the TOP 5 ways you can help the Pauls that we know of immediately.  Feel free to do whatever God puts on your heart to do for them.

1. PRAY ~ This remains the greatest gift we can give them.  Libby's recovery process rests completely in His hands.  Please continue to pray for a FULL RECOVERY for her, and that she would be able to calm down and rest.  Please don’t forget about Troy and Dorsey…They are facing pressures from all fronts…caring for Libby, tending to their family, and the new burden of dealing with added medical expenses that will be racked up for the care of Libby.

2. MEALS ~ Mandy Hill volunteered to coordinate meals for the Pauls for the next several weeks, so please email her at if you are interested in doing this.

3. CARDS/LETTERS~ Getting mail is so much fun, and you can send any cards, verses, thoughts, stories either on Libby's website at or to Children's Mercy Hospital 2401 Gilham Road, Kansas City, MO  64108.

4. GIFT CARDS~ Troy and Dorsey will be needing meals at the hospital, so any restaurant gift cards would be a great idea for breakfasts and lunches, such as Panera, Crown Center, etc.

5. DONATIONS~ Right now, so many of you keep asking when you can give to help the Pauls, which is overwhelming to see the outpouring of love for them.  As of now, their out of pocket expenses are totaling over $13,000.  It is not our intention to ask for money.  We are simply responding to the numerous requests to send financial help.  Please respond to this only if you feel God wants you to give.  We're offering to give them one check from "Friends of the Pauls" so that the gifts are anonymous.  If this appeals to you, please reply to this email for more details.  Your other option is to send your check directly to the Pauls, which is fine as well.  

Let's continue to lock arms together and lift up the Pauls as they embark on this next leg of their journey.  The road will be long, and it will not be easy.  Thanks to all who are reading this who are faithful to pray each day and who are asking others to do the same.  You are such a blessing to us, as we pass along news of this to the Pauls.

Now guess what song is running through my mind?  Sing it along with me, will you? :)

"I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God, I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood.  Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, for I'm part of the family, the family of God." 

Our love to you all,

Dru and Joy Shiner :) 

P.S. Don’t forget about the Prayer Time at Covenant Chapel tomorrow night @ 7PM located on the north side of 135th & Kenneth rd.

FW: Prayer Meeting at Covenant Chapel



From: Leah Kneisler []
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:57 AM
To:; 'Paul Schmidt';;
Subject: Prayer Meeting at Covenant Chapel


Do you mind forwarding this on to all of the people you have been sending updates to? Is there a way for this invite to get sent to Westminster families? Thanks!


Prayer Meeting for the  Pauls

Sunday June 11th at 7PM

At Covenant Chapel in the sanctuary right inside the main entrance

135th St and Kenneth, 1 block east of Stateline Road

No childcare provided, but kids are still welcomed as they are spiritually growing through this too.



Click for Leawood, Kansas Forecast

Map to Covenant Chapel

Covenant Chapel
(913) 663-3095

13300 Kenneth Road
Leawood, KS 66209






FW: Libby Paul



From: Sandy Caudell []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:25 AM
Subject: Libby Paul



God is so good and He has surely been showing us HIS GLORY. 

In the Daily Walk Bible for June 8 I read in Psalm 40: 3 - 5:  "He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see what he has done and be astounded.  They will put their trust in the Lord.  Oh the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud, or in those who worship idols.  O Lord my God, you have done many miracles for us.  Your plans for us are too numerous to list.  If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them"

An we all say AMEN!

Sandy Caudell

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FW: Libby Paul Day 9


Good Friday morning, friends!

Here's the latest from Kellie, Dorsey's dear friend who has been staying with them:

Last night was tough! Really tough!!  Sweet Libby has just been screaming, to the point that she's hoarse today.  She seems very scared.  Dr. McKee had told them it would be like waking a child from a deep sleep...times 1,000 for irritability.  That's exactly what's happening.  He reminded them that this whole process will continue to be up and down, up and down, but we're still moving in an upward direction.  We simply HAVE to go week to week, vs. day to day.  He assured them that this time next week, Libby will have improved so much, and the next week, more improvement.

So please pray for Dorsey's anxiety right now.  Dorsey is really being affected by all this and needs our prayers today.  Pray for God's peace to rule her heart and mind this morning.

Kellie and I had to get off the phone because the air ambulance people had arrived.  Our schedule is already delayed a bit, but we'll keep you posted.  We were unable to talk to the Pauls because of them trying to keep Libby calm.  Pray for perseverance, patience, and strength for today's trip.  It will be a long day for their family!

Kellie said the verse they're claiming today is Isaiah 41:10 ~ "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am Your God.  I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

More updates when we hear news ~

Joy Shiner :)


FW: Libby Paul Update - Day 9 Part 3

Hey, everyone,

I was so thrilled to get to see Troy and Dorsey and our hero, LIBBY PAUL tonight for a few precious minutes!  What a treat!  Troy and Dorsey are visibly exhausted, as we all can easily understand.  But they are SO GLAD to be HOME!!!  My favorite moment of the entire week was when I walked over to the bed, and Libby stopped rolling around and looked right at me.  Her eyes lit up immediately, so I knew she recognized me.  I told her hi, and that I was so glad to see her.  I asked her how she was doing, and she said, "Fine."!  So then I told her I'd missed her and had heard she had a lot of fun last week on her vacation trip.  She answered, "Yeah."  You guys, she is totally tracking with conversations.  I was in shock to experience it firsthand.  Then I told her my daughter can't wait to see her when she gets all better, and she started rolling around and crying out again.  She is visibly frustrated not to be able to say what she wants to say, and not to get to be up and around.  A few minutes later, she asked Troy how many days she would be at the hospital.  Troy told her 15 days.  Then she asked him how many MORE days she would be there, and he told her 14, because this is her first day. She calmed down.

Folks, that is utterly amazing to me!  I know she has to wait for her speech to catch up to her thinking, but she is alive, well, and processing great!  That is a miracle!  That is a direct result of all your fervent prayers!  I feel like I was blessed to get to experience what all of you have been asking our heavenly Father for all week!!  What a THRILL!!!  :) 

SO, prayers for the Pauls now would be for their rest and recovery.  Libby had her worst night last night, and they're plum tired.  Also, Dorsey said her rehab starts Monday, with several sessions one right after another, like a summer school.  Troy said it was so cool when they arrived this afternoon that the entire staff assigned to them came as a group and introduced themselves, hearing Libby's story after.  They are so excited about this incredible hospital.

I know everyone who is local is very anxious to see the Pauls.  After being there tonight, I know it would be helpful to them if it was adults only at this point, since it would be upsetting to kids AND it is VERY upsetting to Libby.  She is really needing a quiet room right now.  Also, as you know, you may not get much time with them, but a journal is available there in the room for you to sign and write your thoughts if you wish or if you miss them when you arrive.  Remember, they are going to be there for the next three weeks, so if you can't make it this weekend they will need just as much, maybe more, in the future.

Also, feel free to mail them cards/letters/gift cards, or any other wonderful things you've been asking to do for them to Children's Mercy Hospital  2401 Gilham Road, KC, MO  64108.

Here's our verse for tonight sent by one of you ~ "In peace, (Libby) will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O LORD, will make her dwell in safety."   ~Psalm 4:8

Blessings, (and keep reading!)

Joy Shiner :)

P.S. Dru here ~ I know there are a ton of people out there that would love to hear from Troy and Dorsey directly.  They really want to send out a huge Thank You to you all as well.  Well we are going to try something a little different.  We are going to have a conference call on this Sunday afternoon at 3pm central time.  We will have Troy and Dorsey on the line and they will give everyone a quick update and then share a little bit from their hearts on what this amazing team of Prayer Warriors has meant to them.  The logistics are pretty straight forward.  We have room for 125 individual on the conference call.  We would like to ask that extended / out-of-town family and close friends attend as I am sure we cannot accomodate everyone on this email list, which by the way is over 800.  Praise GOD!   The line will be an open line, so all background noise will be heard by all, so please mute your phone so that we can minimize the interferance.  As time allows and it is managable, we will also try to allow people to say a word or two to the Paul's.  Obviously, not everyone will be able to talk, so we will do the best we can.  Again, this is a little different than anything I have heard of, but the Paul's really wanted to talk to the larger group if at all possible.

If you plan on attending the call, please try and make sure you dial into the number below a couple of minutes before 3pm on Sunday.  The phone number is 877-298-8255; the password is 5973027.  Thank again for all of your prayers and we will talk on Sunday!

FW: Libby Paul Prayer Update - Day 9 Part 2


Pray Partners,

This part will be short as we haven't had a ton of time talking with the Paul's today.  They arrived safely in Kansas City about 3pm today.  They flight went really well.  Libby was sedated and only awake for a few short miniutes of the entire trip.  They were admitted to Children's Mercy Hospital around 4:30pm.  Many of their family members were either there waiting for them or arrived throughout the evening.  Joy is down there now and will have a more detailed update later this evening. 

Praise God they are home.  What a relief to have them home and close to us all.  Thank you for your prayers today.   Please continue to pray for Libby's aggressive behavior.  Pray for peace and a stillness of her mind and heart.  Blessings!
