Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Paul's will be home...

To our Westminster Friends—


If all goes well, The Paul’s will be home tomorrow!!!


Thank you so much for your support of the Paul’s.  I am continually amazed by your support and willingness to give of your self to help members our community in times of celebration and crisis.  As we have experienced before, I know Troy and Dorsey have been blown away by your prayers and support.    


If you are interested in providing meals, I’ll have Amy consolidate the list of names for the Westminster community and pass it on to our friend Mandy Hill.  


As you know, Libby will be @ Children’s Mercy Hospital.  Here is the address information for cards, balloons, and other items.  


Children’s Mercy Hospital

2401 Gilham Road

Kansas City, MO  64108

(816) 234-3000


As it becomes available, we will provide any additional information on visiting the Troy, Dorsey and Libby.   Also until we know for sure regarding sending flowers and plants, please refrain until the doctor’s give the okay.


Standing in the Gap and expecting God to be glorified…


Paul Schmidt

M: 913.269.8333

H; 913.390.8255

E: or




FW: Libby Paul Update - Day 8 Part 2

Sorry if you got this again…I had an issue with my email today.  I have some good news coming right after this…

Hey Pray Partners,

Troy and Dorsey are having a great day.  They are upbeat and encouraged by all that is going on.  They are moving to their new room this afternoon and are ecstatic about it!  This is a little early for our normal part 2 email, but we need to get some very specific prayer requests out to you.  God loves details and especially detailed prayers.  He is intimately involved in our lives and is proving Himself faithful in answering even the most specific of prayers, so here are some more.

1.  Children's Mercy in KC has an available bed for Libby.  However, CM will not accept any patients that are a virus risk.  So here is the pre-requisite for them admitting her.  Libby has to have at least 3 bowel movements.  A minimum of 1 per day for 3 consecutive days.  She has had only a small one two days ago and they need her to do this so they can be sure everything is working right and there are no viruses.  Please pray that her systems would begin to work properly and regularly.

2.  Thank you so much for all of the offers for assistance with getting Libby home.  We have had so many offers of private plans, etc. that we can't believe it.  We double checked with the hospital and there is one restriction.  The flight has to be an air ambulance.  She can not travel on a commercial airline or via a private jet.  The most promising is a group called, Wings of Hope.  The problem is that there is sometimes a huge waiting list and the qualification process is pretty tight.  This is what we need.  Does anyone out there know someone personally at this or another Air Ambulance company that could help us?  I am not asking for a ton of people contact these companies.  What we need is anyone that has an inside track and could get Troy and Dorsey a personal introduction.  The case manager at the hospital is working with Troy and Dorsey on several options.  If you can help with this please contact me directly.  Dru Shiner (, with your contact information and we will get the ball rolling. 

3.  Libby is still very agitated.  This is actually getting worse.  As she becomes more aware of her situation, she gets more frustrated.  All of her requests and answers to questions are in the form of screams or yells.  She hasn't communicated in a normal tone all day.  This is obviously hard on the nerves for Troy and Dorsey.  Please pray for a calmness and peace to come over Libby and that she too would have patience in her current situation.

On a really cool note, Libby's big brother Mitchell (7) got to talk to Libby today for the first time.  He said how really sad he was that she got hurt and that he missed her.  She just began crying.  Dorsey said it was so sweet.  Please keep Mitchell and Duncan in your prayers as they are with family and friends here in KC until their parents get home.

FW: Libby Paul Update - Day 8 Part 3!


Good News await those who read on!  At the end see how to continue to pray for them….

Subject: Libby Paul Update - Day 8 Part 3!

Hello Fellow Prayer Warriors,

Dorsey called back a little while ago with an additional update~ And a very unexpected one!!

It looks like the Pauls will be flying back to Kansas City TOMORROW!!! :)  Yep, as it stands now, a MedWay air ambulance will fly all three Pauls still in Savannah back home.  They contacted them shortly after we had sent out the previous prayer update and that group had a flight open for tomorrow and was less than half the cost of the other options. 

The doctors agreed on this even after they thought they'd have to wait three days for the bowel movements.  Again, shortly after we asked for prayer on that!  Children's Mercy agreed to receive her and just quarantine her from other children until they have cleared her of viruses.  The doctors also want to start physical therapy right away with the group that will be her long-term team.  She is stable enough to come home, so she is coming home!  Dr. McKee has cleared her to be released for this 2 1/2-3 hour flight back, which means an ambulance will take them to the airportn at roughly 10am, they'll fly on MedWay to the Kansas City airport, and an ambulance will take them straight downtown to Children's Mercy Hospital!! YAY!!! 

*FYI, please wait to visit the Paul's until Saturday or after, as they're leaving Friday night for their families to greet them.  Also, remember that Libby can't be stimulated a great deal.  We will probably be seeing Troy and Dorsey in the visitor lobby and Libby at a later time.  That will all depend on how she is doing, timing and staff recommendations, etc.  We'll keep you posted on that.

OK, here's the number for Children's Mercy ~ (816) 234-3000.  The address is 2401 Gilham Road, Kansas City, MO  64108.  I know you're going to keep those love packages coming!

A HUGE thank you to so many of you who offered to secure a private plane for the Pauls, and they would have been thrilled to take you up on your offer except that the doctor specified that it had to be an air ambulance only.

Many of you have asked about the expense of this transfer.  Here is the net-net.  Their insurance policy only covers a transport to the original hospital, not subsequent transfers between hospitals.  This is a very big additional expense for the Pauls, but it was their only option to safely get Libby transferred from one hospital to another.  Dr. McKee even personally called the insurance carrier and asked for an exemption.  They declined.  Ugh!

A couple of prayer requests.  First, for a safe trip to Children's Mercy, with as little stress and trauma to Libby (and family) as possible. 

Second, and this is a pretty big one, Dorsey asked me to ask you all for prayer for Libby's agitation.  She's scared, as she's piecing together what happened to her.  She asked them, "Why am I in the hospital?"  She's been yelling and crying continually.  She's mentioned 'falling', and they're wondering with all her screaming if she's reliving the accident in some way.  This evening, I was talking to Troy and she awoke and was screaming, "GET OUT, GO AWAY", repeatedly.  Troy was trying to figure out what she needed and she yelled "THE ALLIGATORS ARE GETTING ME IN THE ELEVATOR, STOP THEM!!!".  He ran out of the room as if running them off and came back in and said they were gone.  She immediately calmed down. 

Her physical therapist came in their room today, and Libby yelled, "I don't want to exercise!"  So the therapist said, "OK, well then, I'm going to Walmart!"  Then she turned around and asked Libby, "Do you need anything from Walmart?"  And Libby said to her, "I want to go to Walmart with you!" :)  Isn't that hilarious?  And totally amazing?!

Also, many are asking for tangible ways to support the Paul's.  They will need food.  One of their dear friends Mandy Hill has graciously offered to coordinate their meals while at CMH and after.  For those of you in the KC area that are interested and willing to bring them a meal upon their return,  email mandy at  She will set up the schedule. Please include in your email your phone number and if there are certain nights of the week that do/do not work for you.  Hopefully food will be at least one thing they don't have to worry about.
We will have numerous other opportunities, and if you think of something else, feel free to give it!! 

Final thought of the day.

Has anyone ever questioned whether or not prayers are truly answered or life just happens?  How do we know how specific to bein our prayers?  Does God really answer specific prayers?  Why do things like this happen to the innocent?  Well if you have ever had questions like that then this past eight days should be able to answer many of those questions. 

A little girl named Libby has touched so many or our lives, in such a short period of time, in such a deep and profound way.  God has used this little girl to challenge our faith.  He has called upon the Body of Christ to pray and see His Glory, and we have.  If we allow this time in our lives, the lessons we have learned, and the changes God has asked out of each one of us to pass, then it was possibly all for not.  Dorsey has said many times, "I just want my old life back.".  While I want to see Libby fully restored, and I believe she will be, I have to admit that I DON'T want my old life back.  I want to forever be changed by this experience.  I pray that God challenges each of you to your very core to ask that same question of yourselves.  Do you really want to be the same as you were a week ago?

Until tomorrow, with deep gratitude to all of you,

Dru and Joy Shiner

FW: Libby Paul Update Day 8

Sorry about the delay... Amy’s Grandfather passed away today.  

Hey, all you wonderful people!!

ONE WEEK AGO this morning I received a call from a truly hysterical dear friend about a tragic fall her daughter experienced.  Friends, can you believe that it's only been 7 short days?  Well, it's because of all the amazing prayers of so many hundreds of people have lifted to God on her behaf that I share with you the GREAT NEWS this morning that Libby Paul is being released from the pediatric ICU today and moved to the regular pediatric floor of the hospital in Savannah, Georgia!!!  God is faithful! :)

What we know right now is that Libby is asking for her immediate needs as they come up, from being hungry, needing to use the bathroom, wanting her IV out, etc.  Dorsey said she's yelling her requests instead of talking.  Since we're being specific in our prayers here, folks, this morning Libby needs to have a bowel movement in a BIG way (no pun intended! :))  It's been a week now, and she keeps asking to go to the bathroom, which is a HUGE ordeal to lift and move her.  It's happened numerous times to no avail, and she seems very uncomfortable.  Please continue to pray that her body starts functioning properly, even in the details.

Dorsey's friend and brother have been there to visit, and her friend is helping her pack this morning to leave the Ronald McDonald house.  They will just stay in the hospital room with Libby now, since it has a bed and shower.  They just want to be with Libby anyway.

Dorsey said to tell everyone THANK YOU for the amazing gift baskets arriving continually. She said she feels like it's her wedding all over again, and I laughed, since I've told her I feel like a "stand-in bride" at HER wedding with all the love Dru and I have been receiving from everyone as a result of all this!  Anyway, she and Troy are enjoying hearing from everyone, but she wanted to reiterate that it's impossible to email back, which makes her feel bad.  I assured her that anyone reading this completely understands that replying to hundreds of us is not what she needs to be doing right now.  So, from Dorsey and Troy to you all, once again, THANK YOU for your amazing stories, prayers, verses, thoughts, and love sent via email and on the Libby Paul website.  It's hard to believe it's just 40 hours old, and there have been over 3,000 hits on it...WOW!!  They feel so incredibly supported through your prayers for them.

The Pauls will not have email access in their new hospital room.  Emailing will require them to go downstairs to a lobby area, which again, if Libby needs to be lifted, etc. is impossible.  So feel free to continue to write or email, because I know it's been GREAT for them to hear from so many different people, but please know that they can't respond at this time.  Your words mean more than you know to Troy and Dorsey!!

Like Dru said last night, the prognosis long term is that Libby will be inpatient at Children's Mercy Hospital (most likely) for 3 weeks or longer, depending on her progress.  We still are unsure on a release date for Libby, so please pray for wisdom on that decision.  Thank you for many of you who have responded to the possibility of flying them home on Angel Flight or a private plane.  We are in the process of researching the possibilities, and your thoughts are welcome and appreciated!

Well, it sure feels like the longest week of my life~ How about you all?!  I feel like we're old friends by now!! :)  We of course will continue to keep you posted with any changes, and please don't let up on those prayers!  This week will be a whole lot brighter!!!

At our church's midweek service, we sang this song, and it's running through my head today:

Give thanks to the LORD, our God and King, His love endures forever!

For He is good, He is above all things, His love endures forever!

Sing praise, sing praise; Sing praise, sing praise!

With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, His love endures forever;

FOR THE LIFE THAT'S BEEN REBORN, His love endures forever.

FOREVER God is faithful, FOREVER God is strong, FOREVER God is with us, FOREVER!

From the rising to the setting sun, His love endures forever;

By the grace of God we will carry on, His love endures forever.

Sing praise, sing praise; Sing praise, sing praise !

FOREVER God is faithful, FOREVER God is strong, FOREVER God is with us, FOREVER!

 Praising God with you today,

Joy Shiner :)