Saturday, June 10, 2006

FW: Libby Paul Prayer Update - Day 9 Part 2


Pray Partners,

This part will be short as we haven't had a ton of time talking with the Paul's today.  They arrived safely in Kansas City about 3pm today.  They flight went really well.  Libby was sedated and only awake for a few short miniutes of the entire trip.  They were admitted to Children's Mercy Hospital around 4:30pm.  Many of their family members were either there waiting for them or arrived throughout the evening.  Joy is down there now and will have a more detailed update later this evening. 

Praise God they are home.  What a relief to have them home and close to us all.  Thank you for your prayers today.   Please continue to pray for Libby's aggressive behavior.  Pray for peace and a stillness of her mind and heart.  Blessings!


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