Saturday, June 03, 2006

Day 3 Libby Update


I talked with Dorsey last night, and have an update as of this morning too.


Libby is still stable and awaiting the MRI. Last night, she was ready for the MRI, but the machine broke.

She is still sedated and asleep, which is really hard for Dorsey and Troy, but right now, she can heal better if she’s asleep. The doctors will probably wait until Monday to wake her.


Dorsey said that the respiratory therapist is a dynamite Christian who keeps affirming that Libby will be completely healed. Dorsey and the night nurse took great care in washing Libby’s face, rubbing lotion on her feet, etc. This level of care from the nurse really touched Dorsey.


Libby’s hemoglobin was dropping somewhat, starting from about 9 to 7 to 6.3. Her blood is being transfused. This is typically from internal bleeding, but it is not from her brain. They don’t know where the bleeding is coming from – just the trauma or other things. Dorsey said she would heal quicker if this level comes up.


She also mentioned that Libby would likely be in a back brace for up to 6 months.


Mitchell and Duncan are flying back to K.C. with Troy’s extended family. Mitchell got to see Libby this morning. He held her hand and said “It looks like she’s dead, but she’s not, right mom?”


I will let you know how we can all help with the boys. Our friend Joy Shiner is going to be in touch with the family and figuring out how to best help them. For right now, just keep praying.


The hospitals website is

You can also send cards, etc. to

Troy & Dorsey Paul

C/o Backus Children’s Hospital Memorial Health University Medical Center

4700 Waters Avenue
Savannah, GA 31404


Some of you did not receive yesterdays e-mail, and some of you got them twice. I am so sorry for this. Mark and Paul tried to figure out the best way for me to access the Westminster e-mail list, an we had a few glitches, but  Paul figured it out today. Thanks for your patience.


This is an amazing body of Christ! To God be the Glory!



P.S.  If you don’t receive one of Amy’s email updates on Libby and the Paul Family, Amy’s emails will posted on this blog site


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